Self Leadership – Leading from within
A Unique Mentorship Experience
Course Description:
This course ignites your passion and your purpose. Living without purpose is like leaving the
house with no idea where you are going. In this 4 hour course each participant will discover your
deep sense of longing and discontent that live within you. You will learn to coordinate your
heart-felt longings with the proper mindset in order to get the results you want in your
professional and personal life. You will learn to bring your dream into focus and manifest it into
reality! The real purpose of any goal is to grow, and life is growth!
What you will learn:
As a result of attending this course participants will:
- Discover and listen to the urgings of your heart.
- Discover the essence of purpose – what is your deeper calling?
- Discover and understand the power of your mind.
- Explore the 2 questions that warrant your attention.
- Clarify your vision with absolute precision.
- Learn how to plant your vision in the garden of your mind
Purpose does not simply come from more knowledge, skill and good intention. True purpose
comes from deep listening and accepting both your longings and discontent. This course invites
each of you to find and live with true purpose. Our work as holistic practitioners is not always
easy. As we learn to live more deeply within ourselves, we not only find personal fulfillment,
we find ways of serving others at their point of need. When one connects with their true purpose
and calling, we are more willing to move toward the web of challenges instead of running away
from the challenges we often face.
Learning Platforms:
In-person, Interactive online, Group & Individual on-line mentoring program
NCBTMB Approved / CE Hours: Each course is 4 CE hours – coaching program is 8- 16 CE
Title: Navigate the Deep & Wide Knowing-Doing Gap - explore your barriers to success
Course description:
There is an enormous difference between what we know and what we do.
At times we do things we don’t want to do and get the results we do not want to get. The
knowing-doing gap is the largest gap we face in our professional and personal lives today. This
gap often prevents us from reaching our goals, and live the life we truly desire. As we get older
this gap widens and deepens. We know a lot of things and we take in a lot of information.
Information is not necessarily transformational. We may have read many books, sat in the
classroom many times, were taught by exceptional teachers, but the question remains; why don’t
we do what we know to do? Knowing is not enough. What is in this knowing-doing gap of yours
and why does this occur in most people? In this course you are invited to take a close look at
your individual gap, and gain wise insight along with real solutions to close this gap within you.
Once this knowing-doing gap is integrated in your mind and heart you can begin to live in
harmony, improve your performance and enjoy greater results in your professional life with what
you already know. You can live from a place of clarity, calmness and confidence!
What you will learn:
As a result of attending this course participants will:
- Understand the 2 parts of our mind involved in the knowing-doing gap; the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind.
- Understand the relationship between body/mind and the knowing-doing gap.
- Understanding the power of habit.
- Exploring through self-reflection how your habits create your results; despite what you know.
- Explore and understand why you are doing what you do; from this vantage point your life will begin to change.
- Exploring your productive activities and non-productive activities.
- Learn to turn productive activities into results you desire.
We all experience this gap of knowing-doing. This gap often keeps us from living our life with
personal fulfillment. If you wish to live your life with deep meaning, passion and purpose- this
course is for you!
Learning Platforms:
In-person, Interactive online, Group & Individual on-line mentoring program
NCBTMB Approved / CE Hours: Each course is 4 CE hours – coaching program is 8- 16 CE
Title: The Cost of Fear – the Gift of Faith – Seeing is Believing
Course Description:
Fear is a mental poison. Faith is an antidote for fear. Faith can over-ride fear. When you
courageously face the thing you fear, you automatically experience the growth you have been
seeking. This course will take a gentle look into your individual lens of fear. You will learn the 4
stages of working through your fear. This understanding will allow you to turn away from
bondage and move into the freedom you so desire – thus creating the life you desire!
What you will learn:
As a result of attending this course participants will:
Gain knowledge and understanding of the 4 stages of working through fear.
- Exploring the hidden message of fear.
- Learning to welcome and embrace your fear in order to let go.
- Exploring the opposing energy to fear – Faith
- Transform fear into faith and certainty.
We all experience fear. We have 2 choices; walk toward our fear or run away from our fear. If
you choose to walk toward your fear – it will change your life.
Learning Platforms:
In-person, Interactive online, Group & Individual on-line mentoring program
NCBTMB Approved / CE Hours: Each course is 4 CE hours – coaching program is 8- 16 CE
Title: Power of the Mind - Wisdom of the Body Living in Harmony
Course Description:
Mind is the greatest power in all creation. Mind is in every cell of the body. Mind influences the
body, and the body is the instrument of the mind. As we think in our heart so we become. The
outside world is simply a reflection of what takes place in our mind. So how do we understand
our mind and how do we begin to master our thinking?
Our body holds the wisdom we tend to run away from. Our body is a mirror of our thoughts and
beliefs. Breathing, sensing, and moving – the ways we know our body carry tremendous
contemplative potential, and yet, we so often move through our days unaware or in conflict with
our physical selves. We may be used to thinking of symptoms as bothersome events that
interrupt our lives. Symptoms are really messages to ourselves about what is going on inside of
us. If we learn to pay attention to these signals, we gain much information and understanding
about what we need to heal and feel whole. When we begin to understand ourselves and our
inner world, we find ourselves empowered with greater self-awareness and understanding
What you will learn:
As a result of attending this course participants will:
- Explore the different aspects of mind/body Matrix.
- Become familiar with the “Stick Person and the Tin Man.”
- Discuss and explore the difference between mental activity and conscious thought.
- Explore how we become disembodied.
- Develop a practice of cultivating body awareness.
- Explore the hidden knowledge of body armoring.
- Learn the disciplines of re-entering your body and recover your lost physical wisdom.
- Learn to walk the surrendered path of Stillness and Silence
We all live in a physical body. We all have thoughts all day long, and we all desire a deep sense
of peace and tranquility. This class offers insights and practices that will help you recover your
lost physical wisdom and learn to integrate your body with right thinking and calm presence.
Allow this learning to become an exciting & unique adventure while walking your path of
growth and transformation.
Learning Platforms:
In-person, Inter-active online, Group & Individual on-line mentoring program
NCBTMB Approved / CE Hours: Each course is 4 CE hours – coaching program is 8- 16 CE