Ethics as Self Care
Caring for yourself inside and outside the therapeutic relationship
Course description:
Is self-care an ethical issue? Does lack of self-care disrupt our ability to be present with our
clients? As massage therapists and body-workers, we tend to focus our energies and attention
toward service and care of others to the detriment of our own care. Out of deep commitment to
service and healing, we frequently forget when we are burned out, our clients will not be getting
the level of professional care we are capable of offering.
In this class we will explore this topic through 2 lenses. One lens is exploring self-care inside the
therapeutic relationship – holding the space with integrity, conscious intention and skillful use of
professional power. The other view is your relationship to self-care outside the therapeutic
relationship - nourishing yourself with Right Thinking, Right Action, and Right Living. This
class is for those who desire a deeper understanding of caring for yourself inside and outside the
session room.
What you will learn:
As a result of attending this course this course, students will come to understand the broad lens
of self-care. Together we will explore topics such as; helping prison, self-less vs. self-full
service, risks of our role, impact of inadequate self-care, living from the inside –out, learning to
be proactive inside the therapeutic relationship, and much more. Class will be filled with self -
reflective questions, interactive discussions, and sharing of stories.
Relevance of Course:
This educational program offers a learning experience that provides information which guides
the participant into a deeper understanding of self-care and our responsibility around this issue.
Learning Platforms:
In person, Interactive online
NCBTMB Approved / CE Hours: 4, 6, 8